Private Workshop for Stepping Stones Childcare Christmas Party Saturday Dec. 16th from noon to 3 pm at The Serb-2775 Avonhurst Drive.
THIS CLASS IS A PRIVATE WORK SHOP ALL INVITEES WILL NEED TO REGISTER ON-LINE FOR THE CLASS. Click on the Find Ticket link from there you will be directed to our website. Or click on this link Choose your Event on the Home page. Choose your project and or quote from the drop down menu under your workshop tab! Then go to checkout from there you will need to choose complete order. You will then be prompted to pay a deposit of $38 or the whole amount by e transfer to Your employer will pay the $38 back to you the day of the class towards your purchase of any project. Please note if you are choosing the custom feature you will be charged an extra $10 dollars for set up fee. Any questions about the projects please call Gwen or Kelsey at 306-539-0986. The class will begin at 1 pm, however your club has decided to begin at noon sharp to serve lunch. During this class you will learn the barn board technique and go home with a completed project. We have a variety of projects to choose from clocks, serving trays to porch signs.